כאן ועכשיו - 2018
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כאן ועכשיו

Actualizado: 18 jul. 2022
Roman Shumunov Roman Shumunov Alexander Plavnik Maria Pinhasova
Vlad Dubinsky Renat Khassanov Eduard Khmelnitsky Mishel Vainberg
Western, Bélica, Suspense, Película de TV, Ciencia ficción, Romance, Misterio, Música, Terror, Historia, Fantasía, Familia, Drama, Documental, Crimen, Comedia, Animación, Aventura, Acción
País: sin datos
Año: 2018
כאן ועכשיו - 2018
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Here and Now is an authentic social drama told through the eyes of Andrey, a young immigrant living with her little sister in the slums of the city of Ashdod and struggling to assimilate into Israeli society.