Spiderhead - 2022
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Updated: 18 Jul 2022
Stephen Mirrione Ren Klyce Rhett Reese Rhett Reese Jana Vance Tom Myers Tom Myers Eric Newman Claudio Miranda Chris Hemsworth Paul Wernick Paul Wernick Joseph Kosinski Chris Child Gary Rizzo Jade van der Lei Joseph Trapanese Tommy Harper Tommy Harper Kirsty McGregor George Saunders Jeremy Hindle Kim Foscato A. Todd Holland Brad Semenoff Bill Booth Warren Lazarides Jim Millett Duncan Jones Mark Cornish Bob Booker Matt Slattery Steve Garrad Ryan Tudhope Richard Bradshaw Nancy Hennah Nancy Hennah Carolina Häggström Tucker Korte Lynzi Grant David E. Hall Ronni Brown Alexander H. Gayner Jeremy Steckler Georgina Marquis Georgina Marquis Emily Cheung Kimberly Patrick Chris Gridley Sarah Bowen Julian Summers Richard Duarte Tracey Henton Tracey Henton Stevie Ray Simon Cooke Samantha Smith McGrady Lynne O'Brien Lynne O'Brien Scott Bruce Adam Dalli Amelia Gebler Geneva Wasserman Margie McClymont Agnes Chu Yvette Metoyer Chris Frazier Jason Binnie Dan Cole Susan Higgins Lukas Davidson Keir Beck Emily Murray Kempsey Lyon Alyssa Nevarez Rebecca Keros Shayla Girdler Nancy McIlvaney Audra Murray Dermot McNamara
Chris Hemsworth Miles Teller Jurnee Smollett Mark Paguio Tess Haubrich BeBe Bettencourt Nathan Jones Angie Miliken Ron Smyck Joey Vieira Sam Delich Daniel Reader Stephen Tongun
Western, War, Thriller, TV Movie, Science Fiction, Romance, Mystery, Music, Horror, History, Fantasy, Family, Drama, Documentary, Crime, Comedy, Animation, Adventure, Action
Country: no data
Year: 2022
A prisoner in a state-of-the-art penitentiary begins to question the purpose of the emotion-controlling drugs he's testing for a pharmaceutical genius.
Senior Editor //
almost 2 years ago
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